In addition to training and treating horses, I also provide instruction. You can learn at all basic and medium levels and in vari Instruction ous disciplines including; groundwork, longing, dressage, jumping and driving in hand (with or without carriage).

Whether you want to improve the basic gaits of your horse / pony, have a specific training goal, have a competition in mind, want to learn or improve certain parts. Together with the rider/amazon we make a training plan, in which there is a clear look at the achievable goal, with regard to both the rider/amazon and the qualities of the horse.

We do not train via a specific system, but we assess this per combination. Our goal is to achieve a good performance together with a combination of ease, with a lot of harmony and without unnecessary pressure. In summary: to create a "Happy Athlete".

You can choose between private lessons, shared lessons or a group lesson. The lessons take place at your home or at our location in Karstoft, Central Denmark.

Feel free to contact us for a price indication and the conditions.


We can also help you with how you can get the best out of your training. That includes the whole package of all you need to know, to reach your goals.

You can train horses specifically by setting goals for yourself and for the horse, thereby giving direction to the training. Goals can always be adjusted during the way you travel. It is therefore important to make choices and to adjust the training to you and your horse every time.

For example: which goal(s) do you want to achieve, when and how?


The lessons are given using a WHIS instruction set. The rider receives a headse Whis t, this may of course be your own earplugs if you wish. This makes clear communication possible during the lessons.